Call for Abstracts Flyer

Submit Your Abstract


Submission Requirements & Deadlines
  Length  Submission Date  Notification of Review 
Abstracts 250 words  27 January – 31 March 2025  21 April 2025 
Full Papers 8-10 pages  9 June 2025  23 June 2025 
Camera-Ready Full Papers 8-10 pages  21 July 2025 
Paper Release Forms 21 July 2025 
Presentations 15 minutes (5 min Q&A)  28 July 2025 


Abstract Submission Guidelines

Please include the following information in your abstract submission:

  1. Title of the paper
  2. Author names and author affiliations
  3. Short statement on the main point(s)
    • Background (Briefly to give context to your work)
    • Purpose
    • Justification (Gap - why is your work needed in the industry? How will your findings or conclusions impact the industry?)
  4. Methodological approach
  5. Key conclusions or anticipated conclusions
  6. Projected track for submission (Defense, Industry, Training & Education)

Presentations focused heavily on sales pitches will not be accepted in order to improve the quality of the program for all participants.

Program Contacts

For any program related questions, please contact the following:

Program Chair   Deputy Program Chair
Angelica Jasper, Ph.D.   Conner Parsey


Track Chairs can be found here

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